
As with all manufactured goods, use leads to wear and tear, and so it is with automatic doors. To safeguard against unexpected interruptions to the inflow and outflow to and from your premises, we recommend frequent maintenance of all automated components.  We’re not alone in this recommendation; BS 7036 suggests a twice-yearly maintenance review of automated doors. Besides, regular maintenance will also extend the life of automated equipment.

We provide a ‘Preventative Maintenance Service’ for all types of automated doors, which includes two planned visits by an authorised technician annually and covers:

  • Complete inspection of all mechanical equipment to the door mechanism, including sliding track alignment and door suspension points; adjustment of all electrical components, where necessary, to current safety standards; and all ancillary door activation and devices, where necessary to provide the correct timing control. Any required adjustments will be completed to improve the operation of the door mechanism.
  • A full inspection report, presented to the client, which is also recorded in DSL Automation’s maintenance checklist.

Your business is our business. We want both to run smoothly.

Contact Us | Sensor Sliding Doors

DSL Automation, Island, Burnfort, Mallow, Co Cork | Ph 022-29032 | Mob 087-2587870